


Get the perfect Partnership

At Creatorship we help creators utilise their social presence by finding them a established business or statup, form creatorship and get a share of it. And help businesses find a creator with social influence and impact that would yeild growth for their company generate business. We facilitate this partnership to get a win-win situation for all.

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Work with us

Creatorship is a platform that acts as a mediator and arbitrator for business deals and brand contracts between creators and businesses.


Anyone with social influence can be partner with
a business converting their social impact into asset.


Every business either small or big needs market
reach to grow and generate buusiness.

Explore faster

Everything you need to explore your need

We are a team of competent professionals, here to get you your partner. Be it your search, partnership, deal or legals, we'll get it done.

Creators and Influencers
Whether you are a Youtuber, Instagram & Facebook Influencer or a successful sportsman, we cater creators from every platform and neish, and demand never falls.
Earn with your social presence
Businesses are ready to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in brand deals. Whats better is get a share of it. Become the face of business and earn with your social presence.
Expand your customer base
Gain new customers, build trust, reach new markets with the influence of our creators. Trading a small share of profits in return of exponential growth potential.
From Startups to Enterprises
Our database has data from multiple startups and business monitoring servers like crunchbase. So any new successfully funded startup in the market, we know it.
Partnership Contracts
We facilitate signing of contracts and deals, ensuring the promise of work. The no of impressions creator has to make and the percentage of ownership a business would spare for it.
Legals and Security
Businesses get what they paid for and a proper compensation for the time and effort of creator is assured by our legal team. Our legal team studies the local, national and international laws to ensure compliance.

Safe Transaction

Trusted by creators and businesses from over 100+ countries

Persist Venture the parent company of Creatorship, have already proven to be a very successful startup. We have helped multiple companies get right employees, teams, resources and investments to grow their business exponentially. Also we have guided and trained multiple professionals helping them get job in their dream professions.

Business Partners
Successful Professionals

What people are saying.

Have a glimps on what our clients have to say about creatorship and their experience with us.

Kenzie Edgar
Kenzie Edgar

"Creatorships has completely transformed my content creation process. The tools are intuitive and the support is top-notch. I can't imagine creating without it now!"

Stevie Tifft
Stevie Tifft

"Thanks to Creatorships, I've been able to grow my audience and monetize my content effectively. The platform is a game-changer for creators!"

Tommie Ewart
Tommie Ewart

"Creatorships offers everything I need in one place. From content management to audience engagement, it's a comprehensive solution that has boosted my productivity."

Charlie Howse
Charlie Howse

"The community and resources available on Creatorships are unmatched. It's not just a platform, it's a supportive ecosystem for creators."

Nevada Herbertson
Nevada Herbertson

"I love how Creatorships simplifies the technical aspects of content creation, allowing me to focus on what I do best—creating. Highly recommended!"

Kris Stanton
Kris Stanton

"Since joining Creatorships, I've seen a significant increase in my engagement and revenue. It's an essential tool for any serious content creator."

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